Saturday, April 21, 2012

taxi from airport to cruise terminal = HASSLE

my parents went to Copenhagen in late May for a cruise. They are both in their 60s. Being unfamiliar with Denmark they were hoping to take a taxi from the airport to the cruise terminal.

However, this task proved difficult as they approached 4 taxis, none of them were willing to drive them there. The drivers all spoke english and were all given the address and google map of the cruise terminal and all 4 refused to take them there. They claimed they didn%26#39;t know where it was.

The fifth taxi they approached started off the same way but the airport personnel saw what was happening and walked over to assist my parents. After a 5 minute argument with the driver in Danish which included a lot of gesturing and raised voices the driver reluctantly took my parents to the cruise terminal.

What%26#39;s up with the taxi service (or non-service) in Copenhagen???

On their return trip my parents ended up taking the subway and bus after being given excellent directions by their staff at the hotel where they stayed.


I am sorry that your parents had such a bad experience.

I have never had any trouble with Danish cab drivers and am very surprised to hear this. I honestly can%26#39;t tell you why this happened. But good to hear that the hotel staff provided some good service!



I can tell You what has happened - the thing is that when the taxis come to busy places like the airport especially, they sometimes have to wait up to an hour untill its their time to have a fare. So they want to have loooong fares - not the short ones.

I%26#39;ve heard about this problem before - however, the rules states, that the taxi HAVE TO take the fare, they can%26#39;t just pick%26#39;n choose, as the airportcrew probably told the driver that day.

But it is an issue that%26#39;s wellknown, and steps are taken from the authorities side to prevent these things.

When that%26#39;s said - one can also understand the drivers situation - it%26#39;s not a scam. The thing is, their salary is half of what they earn for each fare - when they hold still they earn nothing - so when they%26#39;ve waited for an hour or so they need a trip for at least 2-300 DKR. to make the minimumwage.

But - it%26#39;s not OK that they do this - they know that it%26#39;s a gamble waiting in the airport(sometimes pays of bigtime - sometimes don%26#39;t), so if they can%26#39;t cope, they have to find fares somewhere else. They can%26#39;t just take all the good ones and leave the not-so-good ones.

If anyone find themselves in this situation, just tell the airportpersonnel, the police or whichever authority is nearest about it, and I%26#39;m sure You%26#39;ll get a taxi pretty fast.


I had the same thing happen to me. I paid 303 kronors for the cab from airport to cruise terminal.

Is that considered a small fare???


I have heard it happen with people wanting a short trip, but not to the cruise terminal - sounds weird.

Any Taxi drivers out there that can explain?


No, I don%26#39;t consider that a short fare. I%26#39;d say that%26#39;s a pretty decent fare for the driver, cut maybe they are getting spoiled lately, I don%26#39;t know..... On top of that comes, that taxidrivers are wellknown to take a longer route, as soon as they pick up on that one is not known in the area(a driver even tried it with me once, because he thought I was to drunk to know the way, apparently. So it%26#39;s both a decent fare + he could just have taken a longer route to make up for the loss...

It sounds weird but I can%26#39;t think of any other explanation than that the drivers are being spoiled with too many good fares, and therefore don%26#39;t even want the half-good ones anymore.

I thought that maybe the same driver had allready had a couple of bad runs in a row that day, and therefore was looking for a big one to make up for it - but You say that 5 drivers declined - they cannot have had such a bad day all of them.


I%26#39;m told by experienced cabbies (the ones who take me TO the airport) that only the lazy drivers hang out at the airport... they and their friends get to schmooze, have coffee, etc., for up to an hour. But at the end of the shift, they are going to come up short on turnover unless they land a trip to the posh suburbs north of Copenhagen.

Copenhageners know to bring them up sharply and promptly, but how%26#39;s a poor tourist to know?

Glad your parents got good advice on the way out...



We will go to Copenhagen in Aug. for a cruise, and also need to take taxi from airport to cruise terminal. The information I got from your conversation is pretty helpful. Hopefully, we won%26#39;t run into the similar situation.

By the way, what do taxi drivers usually ask for the ride from CPH airport to cruise terminal?

After cruise, we are going to stay in Marriott Copenhagen for one night. The hotel doesn%26#39;t have shuttle service. What is the best way for us to go to the airport the next morning? And how much are they?

Thanks a lot, in advance, for your help.


The cruise port%26#39;s website says a taxi from the airport is DKK 400, but considering that the shortest route is about 13 km, fare per km is around DKK 13 and the the start up fee is DKK 24, the fare should be around DKK 200 depending on traffic (meter system is based on a combination of distance and time).



Hi Hans,

Thanks for the information.

A few people mentioned Copenhagen Card on this forum. What is it? What can we use it for? Is it worth to purchase one if we only stay in CPH for one day after cruise? Appreciate your opinions.


You can read all about CPHCARD here:



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