Thursday, April 19, 2012

What to do with a three year old in (near) Denmark?

I will be bringing my three year old son to Copenhagen last 10 days in August. We did not plan to go to Denmark exactly, we just got plane tickets at an unbelievably good price! But now, I have to find things for a very intelligent three year old boy to do and I don%26#39;t have a fortune to spend. I have to pass on Legoland, I can take him to other Legoland%26#39;s at a better time. I think he would like a day on a large ferry, but not more than that. I think he would be fascinated by a couple of museums even at his age, but not a dozen of them. Tivoli gardens sounds great, he and I want to see that. But the bottom line for me is that the prices of everything I can easily find in Denmark is making me concerned that I might have to go south to Germany, but we have been there a dozen times to visit his grandparents. They would love it, I wouldn%26#39;t! What can we (afford) to do starting in Copenhagen, Denmark or within a days ferry/train ride???


So, no one seems to think there is anything to do with a 3 year old in Denmark then?


I think the reason no one responded is that there are very few attractions/events that are specifically geared towards young children. I know Copenhagen very well, but other than Tivoli I%26#39;d be hard pressed to come up with a good idea. Our own children are grown now, but we travelled extensively when they were even younger than 3, and my experience is that a 3 year old is going to be happy just being with his or her parents. We didn%26#39;t plan any of our trips around the possible desires of a 3 year old. And I do remember taking our (then) 3 year old daughter to Tivoli, and she enjoyed that. But then we also went to many other places that were not %26quot;designed%26quot; for children, and she was perfectly content anyway! And talking about large ferries. When our daughter was 5, we took the overnight ferry from Stockholm to Helsinki. They had a special %26quot;smörgåsbord%26quot; for children. All she ate was meatballs. There were probably 50 different types of food, but she kept talking about the experience of all that food for YEARS! So, it usually doesn%26#39;t take much to satisfy a child, and many times it%26#39;s the simple things that we don%26#39;t even need to plan for. Especially on a trip I believe. My advice is: just plan the trip so that you will enjoy it and I%26#39;m sure your son will be perfectly happy!



I have been considering a ferry ride for our trip too. My son always loves seeing the ScanLines ferries running in and out of Rostock, DE which is about an hour north of his grandparents town. My wife and I took the all day ferry from Stockholm to Turku, FI long before he was born and we loved the trip. I seem to recall it was very affordable with no car and no cabin. If I do something like that it seems that all the eastbound ferries run out of Stockholm, so I may have to go there. I wouldn%26#39;t mind seeing the fjords in Norway, but at first glance it seemed all the trips were around a week and I don%26#39;t feel like keeping him on a boat for week, nor does it fit in my budget. But, I am curious about a short trip to Norway too... You are right about kids his age being happy with their parents (most of the time), so I guess my question might also be where can I go and do something in this area for around $150 per day including food and accommodations with a three year old? Is it possible?


$150 per day sounds like a bit of a challenge, and Norway would probably also be a bit more expensive. I don%26#39;t know much about hotel prices (always stay with friends and family), so you should probably post a specific thread asking for that information. There%26#39;s an overnight ferry from Copenhagen to Oslo, even though the Stockholm-Helsinki ferries are probably nicer (I%26#39;ve taken both, but it%26#39;s been a while!). If you take the overnight ferry to Oslo you should be able to make a reasonably quick trip to Bergen and a boat tour from there to see some of fjords. Check out the Norway forum for more info on that.


in Copenhagen there is a summer puppet theater in Kongens Have, free entrance. If you%26#39;re into %26quot;wild life%26quot; there is Natur Centre Vestamager (just awarded place of the year for kids) ( )the page is unfortunately only in Danish. There%26#39;s Skaanes Djurpark in Sweden - you could probably take the ferry - ( Recommended places in Cph to eat with kids: Hacienda, Wagamama, krudthuset, Royal Café (…de-5-til-voksne-med-boern).

If you want to go sailing, why not try a smal fishing boat and take a day trip to Flakfortet, an old fortified island in Cph harbour, bring a picnic ( Tivoli is great, although a bit expensive.

Also, take a look at…top_10_for_kids.

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