Friday, March 30, 2012

My Australian Girl hits Denmark 2010 !!!!

Hi to all on this forum !

My daughter is 16 yrs of age %26amp; next year comes to Denmark for 12 months.

Where she will be exactly staying.....we are yet to find out.

Im wanting to know....I hear that it NEVERS snows in Denamrk???!!!

Is this true ?

I am surprised by this, if it is true.

I want to set her a %26#39;budget%26quot; before she goes.....for a teenage girl in this country....what would be reasonable weekly %26quot;pocket money%26quot; for her in DK ?

I appreciate any feed back.




I can%26#39;t help you with a teenage budget - but it%26#39;s not true that it never snows.

We have some kind of snow every year but it never stays on the ground for weeks on end.

What is true is that Denmark is the Scandinavian country with the least snow and no areas have it permanently through the winter the way you see it in Sweden, Norway and Finland.


Thank you Andrea for your info !

i am wondering this bcos of the type of %26quot;footwear%26quot; for her to be taking !

And do i buy it here , in Australia, or here in Denmark???

Some Danish boy here in Australia, on exchange, was telling her %26quot;It never snows in Denmark%26quot;....I thought this can not be true!

Im so glad to read your reply.



Hi Babette

Congratulations to your daughter! what an exciting time for her ahead!

I was an exchange student in Denmark 11 years ago, from Vic as well :) I loved it and still love it, Denmark is my home away from home!

I recommend you buy her basic things in australia before you go, clothes do tend to be more expensive here. Things like good walking shoes or boots are very useful, a good rain coat with a hood (might be a good time to get it now given Melbourne is going out of the winter season) but Danes tend to be very fashion-trendy and wear heels on bicycles (which they use a lot to get everywhere!!)

If your daughter or you would like to get in touch about what it%26#39;s like to be an Aussie in Denmark, I would be happy to help. I am actually in Denmark at the moment, visiting one of my wonderful host families, but will have more time to write in a few weeks when I return!

In the meantime, all the best with your travel planning.

For starters.

Can I suggest she look at for some podcasts to get started listening to Danish... it%26#39;s a very handy (currently free) language learning service. From my experience, though it can be very hard, it is worth the effort learning Danish (and to get the grip of it it can take 4-6 months) - once you get basic conversational skills, the experience and friendships she will form will be life-changing.

Re budget, probably allow for about 1.5 to 2 times what she requires now. Her family/s should be supportive in terms of food and board, but if she wants to go on holidays, visit friends, see tourist attractions, etc, it will cost some. She will possibly want to get some more clothes too when she is here. (this may be because she puts on weight due to all the amazing, but rich, food!) Some host programs (like Rotary) will offer some small amounts of pocket money which generally covers transport costs.

and from my experience, it does snow, not heavily, but enough to excite someone who has never lived in the snow before, and frustrate everyone who has to ride bikes to school in the snow some days!


Thanks Lucy....I have P%26#39;Med u as well !!!

Will be in contact picks yopur brains......thanx SSSSOOOOO much !!!!!

Cheers......enjoy !!!!!!!!!!!!


Hi babette,

Copenhagen is my favourite city in Europe and I am pretty sure your daughter will love it.

the only drawback is that it is very expensive, almost twice the price as it is in the UK.

I am a lecturer at a University in England and I oversee student exchanges between our respective universities. I visit once a year to teach and have friends out there, so I know it pretty well. So if you want some info on the less touristy side of Copenhagen then give me a shout.

Yes it does snow in DK and in winter the winds are freezing!

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