Friday, March 30, 2012

Cool bars, not too young a crowd


I was thinking of going to Copenhagen next Thurs-Sunday. What are some cool lounge type bars with a good crowd (not too stuffy the people and not too young). I am 37 (male) and love house music, electro house, and hip hop. Probably looking for a crowd of 25-40 yrs. olds.

Also, just cool bars in general that meet this criteria, don´t have to be lounge bars.



K-bar - Ved Stranden 20, inner city

Bodega - Kapelvej, Nørrebro (good food as well)

The office - Sortedam Dossering 83, Østerbro

Oak Room - Birkegade 10, Nørrebro

Karriere Bar - Flæsketorvet 57, Vesterbro

Jusy a few lounge-type, cocktail-bar-type suggestions with a not too young crowd. Also, do a tour up and down Istedgade. Lots of bars there. If in the mood for a larger night club type place, check out Vega at the end of Istedgade. Avoid Town Hall Square and Strøget bars like the plague. It is not for your type.

Wish I could trade with you. Sevilla is one of my favourite places in the whole world.



Thanks so much. If you ever need any up to date advice about Seville, just let me know.


Yes Seville is a very nice city, but the nightlife (Clubs, bars etc.) is soooooooo much better in Copenhagen.


What? Not to turn this into the Sevilla forum, but how does standing in a crowd and ordering mojitos at 80 kroner per glass while it%26#39;s -5 degrees outside compare to sitting at a streetbar eating tapas and drinking all night in the heat, then paying 300 kroner for meal and drinks?

Sorry. Copenhagen night life is for sure different. Better? Not in my book. If I was from Seville, I would not come to Copenhagen expecting to be blown away by the amazing nightlife.


As I wrote it%26#39;s the clubs, bars etc. that are much better in Copenhagen.

If you idea of a good nightlife is %26#39;sitting in a streetbar eating tapas and drinking all night in the heat%26#39; then yes you are correct Seville is much better.

But if you prefer just a tiny bit of music %26amp; partying, then Copenhagen is much much better. Actually Seville has the most boring nightlife (again when it comes to partying) I have experienced in Europe (and I have visited my part of European cities).

I was there with a buddy for a weekend, we walked and walked all over the city (all the so called nightlife areas as well), but found nothing than people sitting and eating. No clubs, bars with music and people having fun just people sitting in restaurants and on the streets drinking a beer minding their own businesses.

My friend is from Barcelona and he agreed with this as well.


Well, maybe I%26#39;m getting old, but the Copenhagen club scene just does not strike me as very interesting. Same old five clubs, same old people there trying to look cooler than the next guy. Then some new bar or club opens and the same crowd moves there for a month. Then on to the next one.

But sure, you are right, for the club scene (not sure about the bar scene) Copenhagen has more going. Likely because the weather makes it more obvious to concentrate night life inside dark, warm locations.

But outside the clubs, gloomy wet streets with drunk teens puking in pizza-trays... Does anybody find walking around Copenhagen at 5 AM on a Saturday night charming? As opposed to tranquillo sevillanos strolling around from bar to bar, having a glass of wine at one place, a sherry at the next, then a beer and a tapa.

It%26#39;s probably a matter of definition. I just thought of your comment and the subject as in which city I would prefer to be out and about at night, and in that aspect, Sevilla won hands down.

But again, maybe I%26#39;m just getting too old and too comfortable and too lazy to work my way from club to club on opposite sides of Copenhagen on a wet or cold Copenhagen night. Or maybe I%26#39;m just in bad spirits right now as it rains and we%26#39;re looking at about 6-7 months of bleek fall and winter.

Brrr... Good thing I won%26#39;t be around for the next couple of months.

But to avoid hijacking the OP%26#39;s thread: Yes, Copenhagen definately has an interesting selection of lounge-type bars. And a lively nightlife on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. But getting a good buzz going is not cheap.

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