Thursday, April 19, 2012

Tours of the Opera House

Is it really true that the only tours of the opera house are on Saturdays and Sundays and they are only in Danish? According to the Opera House web site, the only way to get a tour in English is to book a group. I%26#39;m only in Copenhagen on a Wednesday and Thursday, and don%26#39;t speak/understand Danish.

Any other options for seeing inside the Opera House? Thanks.


Hi lif

I%26#39;m sorry to say that it seems like Your right. I%26#39;ve searched the net for relevant info on this, and only found out, what You%26#39;ve allready mentioned.

Sorry about that...


JensenDK, Thanks for your response. I%26#39;ll have to content myself with seeing the lobby and outside. The %26quot;black diamond%26quot; library looks like a beautiful building, so I will probably visit there.


I sent an e-mail to the Opera House tour office and got a terrific positive response! There are tours in English every day in July at 4 pm, or 1600. Tickets can be purchased in advance on the web site, or on site the day of. This only reinforces my usual instinct to never take %26quot;NO%26quot; for the final answer. Here%26#39;s the exact information provided:

We offer guided tours in English at the Opera House every day in July at 4 p.m.

For purchase of tickets: or +45 70 15 65 65

You can also buy the tickets upon arrival - price DKK 100,- pr. person. The guides only accept cash payment.


Finding the right venue is not that easy. Opera House doesn%26#39;t work, because although there is English translation of the website, the place names are all in the original spelling. So, here%26#39;s a link to English language tours at the Opera house in Copenhagen:;artist=ENGELSK+RUNDVISNING+OPERAEN


Thank you. I was looking for something like that, when You wrote the first time, but was%26#39;nt able to find anything about it. I must admit that I found it really strange at the time, that they did%26#39;nt have any guided tours in english.

I also find it a bit strange though, that the Opera House apperently keep this almost as a secret - nothing about it on their own website, but only on %26quot;Billetnet%26quot; which is a company that normally sell tickets to concerts.....

now that I have this knowledge, I will be able to help poeple better next time a similar question comes up.

Hope You%26#39;ll enjoy Your tour, aswell as Your whole stay here, and may the weather be with You :)

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